Support Systems

 Sunday Nov. 20, 2022


Everybody needs a support system whether it's a friend, relative, spouse, dog, or a semi-inspirational, mostly sarcastic, meme containing a Golden Girls quote that is pinned to their desk. Everybody needs something or someone to help them keep on keepin' on in life, and in business too.


As much as I don't like to admit I need help with anything... I do...It's only human- we can't do it all on our own. And I like admitting I need help as much as I like being mushy in public, 🤪 but when I wrote this, the mood had struck me. So here goes:


I have said that I wouldn't be anywhere without my supporters, my wonderful friends and family. Well here is my biggest supporter - my husband, Zach.


Not only have I been lucky enough to have Zach with me through almost every stage of life thus far, but he has also been here for me from the time Vintage Junebug Photography was just a self-titled dream in high school.


Zach comes to most every shoot to handle props, placement, second shooting if needed, and when I first started, general moral support. He models VJP merch, copes with my editing marathons, makes sure I break and eat when I get locked into the screen, and always has some sort of solution for when I'm feeling overwhelmed --- typically a cup of hot tea and a pep talk.


He also doesn't ask questions when I gather my camera, tell him to walk out in the middle of a field, turn around toward me, and look angsty 😂 He just does it. And he does it all with a smile on his face (or a smoldering look in this case) 🤪😉 😇


He is my biggest fan and a huge part of VJP. I wouldn't be able to do this without him. I wouldn't be anywhere without him in my life.


My heart is so full and I am so grateful.