Shine Bright, Don't Bun Out!

This time of year, I see post after post of photographers in what can only be assumed is an over-caffeinated-stupor (because I’ve been there ☕) going absolutely out of their minds 🤪 with last minute holiday sessions, while editing the bejesus out of a gallery, and staying up late to meet tight turn-around times. 😴

While I’m looking forward to editing the last ten or so galleries of 2023 (including the most adorable session of my cousin and her family): I did not spend Thanksgiving watching the clock until I could edit again and I will not be spending Christmastime culling.

I realized recently that those precious moments I talk about capturing, apply to me too. I don’t want to miss my own little moments during this special time of year. ❤️

If you’re a small business owner, recoup when you need to, make time for family, friends, and festive foods. You put your blood, sweat, tears, and all of your spare time on the line to deliver quality products, but when our cups are empty, we aren’t able to pour into others.🍶

As I said in the last Sunday Thoughts, your word and your work is your worth, but take some time for yourself, too. Your word and your work is your worth, and you’re worth the work too. That’s a tongue twister! 😝

✨ Shine bright, but don't burn out! ✨

I am so thankful for the wonderful people I have met through photography, for the following that I have grown, and for the ability to share this gift, that helps put smiles on other peoples’ faces. I am thankful for my family, friends, and I am so incredibly grateful for this life that I lead. ❤️

I am fully booked for the remainder of 2023 and am now booking for 2024. Spots are quickly filling for winter engagement shoots, headshots, and the like. Please reach out to me to book today or submit a form on my website

Thank you!

#vjp #cnyphotographer #shinebright #preventburnout #takecareofyou #upstatenyphotography